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5.4 Case Study: Robot Configuration Transformations

Modeling rigid body transformations

Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering
University of Pennsylvania


1Learning Objectives

By the end of this page, you should know:

  • how to express the position and orientation of an object with respect to a reference frame
  • how to change reference frames of an object using linear transformations

2Reference Frames

When we consider the motion of an object in the world, we need to keep track of the object’s position and its orientation. To keep track of these, it is necessary to define a frame of reference which we can express the position and orientation with respect to. In the below figure, if we consider the quadrotor as the object, the fixed world frame (sometimes called inertial frame) is our frame of reference.

In this case study, we will consider an environment consisting of both a ground vehicle, and a camera. We will suppose that the ground vehicle is driving on a level surface, but the camera is mounted on a drone which is circling the environment. Our goal in this case study will be to depict the ground vehicle’s motion from the perspective of the drone.

Our approach will be to first express the position and orientation of both the ground vehicle and the camera with respect to a fixed reference frame, called the world frame. We will create paths of both the ground vehicle and the aerial camera with respect to this world frame. Finally, by applying the tools of this chapter, we will be able to express the position and orientation of the ground vehicle with respect to the aerial camera.

3Camera, World, and Ground Vehicle Reference Frames

Let’s first express the camera relative to the world frame. To do so, we will need to consider the position of the camera relative to the world frame, and the direction which it is pointing. The position can be represented as a translation consisting of three components. Because we will later have multiple reference frames, it is important to denote that this translation is with respect to the world frame. We will use WW to denote the world frame, and CC to denote the camera frame. This translation will thus be expressed as

WtCR3. ^W \vv t_C \in \R^3.

To express the orientation of the camera, we will assign three axes to the camera frame. The xx-axis of the camera frame is the direction that the camera will point. The yy axis will be the horizontal view from the camera, and the zz axis will be the vertical view from the camera, as below

We can express the orientation of the camera frame as a rotation of of world frame. In particular, we can consider the angles by which we would have to rotate the world frame about its xx, yy, and zz axes to have it align with the camera frame. The rotations about each of these axes is known as euler angles. As discussed in this example, the rotation of a 2D vector through an angle θ can be achieved via multiplication with the 2×22\times 2 orthogonal matrix

[cos(θ)sin(θ)sin(θ)cos(θ)]. \bm \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) \em.

To express rotations in 3 dimensions, we can express the composition of three simple two dimensional rotations, as below:

In particular, we can denote the rotation about the xx axis as θx\theta_x, the yy axis as θy\theta_y, and the zz axis as θz\theta_z. Using the expressions for the rotations of a vector in 2 dimensions, we find that we can express each of these simple rotations as 3x3 orthogonal matrices:

Rx=[1000cos(θx)sin(θx)0sin(θx)cos(θx)],Ry=[cos(θy)0sin(θy)010sin(θy)0cos(θy)],Rz=[cos(θz)sin(θz)0sin(θz)cos(θz)0001]. R_x = \bm 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos(\theta_x) & -\sin(\theta_x) \\ 0 & \sin(\theta_x) & \cos(\theta_x) \em, R_y = \bm cos(\theta_y) & 0 & \sin(\theta_y) \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -\sin(\theta_y) & 0 & \cos(\theta_y) \em, R_z = \bm \cos(\theta_z) & -\sin(\theta_z) & 0 \\ \sin(\theta_z) & \cos(\theta_z) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \em.

Then the rotation achieved by first rotating about the xx axis by θx\theta_x, then rotating about the yy axis by θy\theta_y, and finally rotating about the zz axis by θz\theta_z can be expressed as the product of these three matrices:

R=RzRyRx. R = R_z R_y R_x.

It turns out that any rotation in three dimensions can be expressed in this form. By the property that the product of two orthogonal matrices is orthogonal, it holds that like in two dimensions, rotations in three dimensions are expressed by orthogonal 3×33\times 3 matrices.

Let’s define a camera frame which has translation

WtC=[402] ^W \vv t_C = \bm 4 \\ 0 \\ 2 \em

and rotation with θx=θy=0\theta_x = \theta_y =0 and θz=π/2\theta_z = \pi/2, or

WRC=[010100001]. ^W R_C = \bm 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \em.

Below, we define this coordinate frame along with a function to plot the reference frame in world coordinates.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

def plot_reference_frame(translation_vector, rotation_matrix, ax=None):
    Plots a 3D coordinate system based on the given translation vector and rotation matrix.
        translation_vector (numpy array): A 3-element array [tx, ty, tz] representing the translation vector.
        rotation_matrix (numpy array): A 3x3 matrix representing the rotation matrix.
        ax (matplotlib axes object, optional): A matplotlib 3D axes object. If None, a new figure and axes will be created.
    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    # Define origin and axes
    origin = np.array(translation_vector)
    x_axis = origin + rotation_matrix[:, 0]
    y_axis = origin + rotation_matrix[:, 1]
    z_axis = origin + rotation_matrix[:, 2]

    # Plot the origin
    ax.scatter(*origin, color='k', s=100)

    # Plot the axes
    ax.quiver(*origin, *rotation_matrix[:, 0], length=1, color='r', label='X axis')
    ax.quiver(*origin, *rotation_matrix[:, 1], length=1, color='g', label='Y axis')
    ax.quiver(*origin, *rotation_matrix[:, 2], length=1, color='b', label='Z axis')

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

#plot world frame
world_translation = np.zeros(3)
world_rotation = np.eye(3)
plot_reference_frame(world_translation, world_rotation, ax)

#plot camera frame
camera_translation = np.array([4,0,2])
camera_rotation = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
plot_reference_frame(camera_translation, camera_rotation, ax)

ax.set_xlim(0, 5)
ax.set_ylim(0, 5)
ax.set_zlim(0, 2)

ax.set_xlabel('world x')
ax.set_ylabel('world y')
ax.set_zlabel('world z', fontsize=10)
ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=None, zoom=0.85)
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

4Camera Trajectory

Examining the result, we see that we have plotted the world frame in the lower left which is aligned with the coordinates of the plot, and the camera frame which is rotated 9090^\circ about the zz-axis from the world frame, shifted along the xx axis by 4, and shifted upwards by 2. Below, we will develop a path of camera frames representing the camera position and orientation as the drone flies over time. We will suppose that the drone flies in a circle of radius four centered at the origin of the world frame, and starting from an initial position [402]\bm 4 \\ 0 \\ 2\em. The height will remain constant throughout the flight. During flight, the drone will rotate so that the camera is always pointing towards the zz axis of the world frame, and angled down by 22.522.5^\circ. The circle will take place over a span of 500 timesteps of duration 0.02. We will then animate the trajectory of the camera frame.

from matplotlib import animation

camera_frames = []

n_frames = 500
for k in range(n_frames):
    camera_x_pos = 4*np.cos(k/n_frames*(2*np.pi))
    camera_y_pos = 4*np.sin(k/n_frames*(2*np.pi))
    camera_theta_z = np.pi + 2*np.pi*k/n_frames
    camera_theta_y = np.pi/8
    camera_translation = np.array([camera_x_pos, camera_y_pos, 2])

    #define rotation as product of the y-axis rotation and z axis rotation
        [np.cos(camera_theta_z), -np.sin(camera_theta_z), 0],
        [np.sin(camera_theta_z), np.cos(camera_theta_z), 0],
        [0, 0, 1]
        [np.cos(camera_theta_y), 0, np.sin(camera_theta_y)],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [-np.sin(camera_theta_y), 0, np.cos(camera_theta_y)]
    camera_frames.append((camera_translation, camera_rotation))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")

def update(frame):
    plot_reference_frame(camera_frames[frame][0], camera_frames[frame][1], ax)
    ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
    ax.set_ylim(-5, 5)
    ax.set_zlim(-1, 4)
    ax.set_xlabel('world x')
    ax.set_ylabel('world y')
    ax.set_zlabel('world z', fontsize=10)
    ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=None, zoom=0.85)

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=n_frames, interval=30)"camera_motion.gif", writer="pillow")
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

The motion of the camera is illustrated below.

5Ground Vehicle Trajectory

Let us now define the translation and rotation of our ground vehicle. As with the camera, the orientation of the ground vehicle will be described using a translation and a rotation. To denote that it is the ground vehicle, we will use the subscipt GG. In particular, we will have a translation relative to the world frame WtG ^W \vv t_G and a rotation relative to the world frame WRG^W R_G. The ground vehicle will remain flat on the ground with a height of zero. It’s path will therefore be determined by the xx-position, yy-position, and the direction that it is pointing on the plane determined by the xx and yy axes. We will consider the position and orientation of the ground vehicle for 10 seconds discretized into intervals of 0.02 seconds. Therefore, we will obtain 500 distinct positions and orientations of the groud vehicle. From one timestep to the next, the ground vehicle will move at a fixed speed of 1.5 meters/second in whatever direction the ground vehicle is pointing at that time. The direction will evolve as the previous direction, plus some steering command. These dynamics are defined below and simulated with a sinusoidal steering command and starting from the initial position x,y=(4,2)x, y=(-4,-2), and orientation θ=0\theta=0. The xx-position, yy-position, and orientation of the ground vehicle over the 10 second interval are plotted below.

dt = 0.02

def vehicle_dynamics(state,control):
    x, y, theta = state
    v, tau = control
    return np.array([x+dt*v*np.cos(theta), y+dt*v*np.sin(theta), theta + tau])

T = 500
states = np.zeros((T+1, 3))
states[0] = np.array([-4, -2, 0])
controls = np.stack([1.5*np.ones(T), 0.02*np.cos(2*np.pi/500*np.arange(T))], axis=1)

for t in range(T):
    states[t+1] = vehicle_dynamics(states[t], controls[t])

time = np.arange(0, 10.02, 0.02)
x = states[:,0]
y = states[:,1]
theta = states[:,2]
plt.plot(time, x, label='x pos (meters)')
plt.plot(time, y, label='y pos (meters)')
plt.plot(time, theta, label='orientation (radians)')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('position, orientation')
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

We now have the path of our ground vehicle. Just like we did for the camera, let’s make a video of how the ground vehicle moves relative to the world frame. To do so, we will express the xx and yy positions of the vehicle as part of a 3 dimensional translation vector, and the direction the ground vehicle is pointing as a 3x3 rotation matrix:

WtG=[xy0] ^W \vv t_G = \bm x \\ y \\ 0 \em


WRG=[cos(θ)sin(θ)0sin(θ)cos(θ)0001].^W R_G = \bm \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) & 0 \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \em.

We will make this video below.

ground_vehicle_frames = []

n_frames = 500
for k in range(n_frames):

    ground_vehicle_translation=np.array([x[k], y[k], 0])
    ground_vehicle_rotation = np.array([
        [np.cos(theta[k]), -np.sin(theta[k]), 0],
        [np.sin(theta[k]), np.cos(theta[k]), 0],
        [0, 0, 1]
    ground_vehicle_frames.append((ground_vehicle_translation, ground_vehicle_rotation))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")

def update(frame):
    plot_reference_frame(ground_vehicle_frames[frame][0], ground_vehicle_frames[frame][1], ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
    ax.set_ylim(-5, 5)
    ax.set_zlim(-1, 4)
    ax.set_xlabel('world x')
    ax.set_ylabel('world y')
    ax.set_zlabel('world z', fontsize=10)
    ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=None, zoom=0.85)

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=n_frames, interval=30)"vehicle_in_world_frame.gif", writer="pillow")
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

The motion of the groud vehicle in the world frame is depicted below:

6Changing Reference Frames

Now that we have the paths of both the camera and the ground vehicle expressed in terms of the world frame, we come to our final step: expressing the ground vehicle in the camera frame. We start from the fact that we have the camera frame relative to the world frame, described by WtC^W \vv t_C and WRC^W R_C and the ground vehicle frame relative to the camera frame described by WtG^W \vv t_G and WRG^W R_G. From these translations and rotations, we want to find the translations and rotations of the ground vehicle with respect to the the camera frame, CtG^C \vv t_G and CRG^C R_G. Our first step in doing so will be to express the world frame in the coordinates of the camera frame. In particular, we want to use WtC^W \vv t_C and WRC^W R_C to construct CtW^C \vv t_W and CRW^C R_W. One way to do so is to view the coordinate frames as a matrix that transforms points of one frame into points of another frame. In particular, if CpR3^C \vv p \in \R^3 is a vector described in camera frame coordinates, we can express that point in world frame coordinates as Wp^W \vv p via the transformation Wp=WRC^W \vv p = ^W R_C Cp+^C \vv p + WtC ^W \vv t_C. This may be expressed as a single matrix multiplication by using homogenous coordinates. In particular, if we stick a 1 at the bottom of the vectors Cp^C \vv p and Wp^W \vv p, we have that

[Wp1]=[WRCWtC01][Cp1].\bm ^W \vv p \\ 1\em = \bm ^W R_C & ^W \vv t_C \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm {^C \vv p} \\ 1 \em.

The matrix [WRCWtC01]\bm ^W R_C & ^W \vv t_C \\ 0 & 1 \em is full rank by the fact that the first three columns are orthonormal (by the fact that WRC^W R_C is a rotation matrix, and thus orthogonal), and the last column is linearly independent of the first three by the fact that it has a one as the final entry, while the first three columns have a zero as the final entry. Therefore, this matrix is invertible. Then if we have known world frame coordinates Wp ^W \vv p, we can express

[Cp1]=[WRCWtC01]1[Wp1]=[(WRC)(WRC)WtC01][Wp1].\bm ^C \vv p \\ 1\em = \bm ^W R_C & ^W \vv t_C \\ 0 & 1 \em^{-1} \bm {^W \vv p} \\ 1\em = \bm (^W R_C)^\top & - (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_C} \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm {^W \vv p} \\ 1 \em.

Verify that this is the correct expression for the inverse is correct using the properties of orthogonal matrices!

Using the above viewpoint where coordinate frames are transformations, we can use the inverse transformation above to determine CRW=(WRC)^C R_W = ({^W R_C})^\top and CtW=(WRC)WtC^C \vv t_W = - ({^W R_C})^\top {^W \vv t_C}. The view of the coorindate frames as linear transformations can also help us to understand how to express the ground vehicle frame relative to the camera frame. In particular, (10) demonstrates how to transform a point in world coordinates to camera coordintes. Similarly, we may use WRG^W R_G and WtG^W \vv t_G to express a point Gp^G \vv p in ground vehicle coordinates in terms of camera coordinates as:

[Wp1]=[WRGWtG01][Gp1]. \bm ^W \vv p \\ 1 \em = \bm ^W R_G & ^W \vv t_G \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm{^G \vv p} \\ 1\em.

By substitution, we find that

[Cp1]=[(WRC)(WRC)WtC01][WRGWtG01][Gp1]=[(WRC)WRG(WRC)WtG(WRC)WtC01][Gp1].\bm ^C \vv p \\ 1\em = \bm (^W R_C)^\top & - (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_C} \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm ^W R_G & ^W \vv t_G \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm {^G \vv p} \\1 \em = \bm (^W R_C)^\top { ^W R_G} & (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_G} - (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_C} \\ 0 & 1 \em \bm {^G \vv p} \\ 1 \em.

Then we have found the frame expressing our ground vehicle relative to the camera as CRG=(WRC)WRG^C R_G = (^W R_C)^\top { ^W R_G} and CtG=(WRC)WtG(WRC)WtC^C \vv t_G = (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_G} - (^W R_C)^\top {^W \vv t_C}.

Below, we will use the above derivations to convert the sequence camera and vehicle positions and orientations relative to each other into the sequence of positions and orientations of the vehicle relative to the camera. We create a depiction of this movement below. In order to better intuit what is happening in the picture, we also plot several anchors which remain stationary as the camera and ground vehicle move. The anchors have world coordinates

[400],[400],[040],[040],[000].\bm 4 \\ 0 \\ 0\em, \bm -4 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \em, \bm 0 \\ 4 \\ 0 \em, \bm 0 \\ -4 \\ 0 \em, \bm 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \em.
gv_in_camera_frame = []
world_origin_in_camera_frame = [] 
world_boundary_in_camera_frame = [] 

n_frames = 500
for k in range(n_frames):
    cam_trans, cam_rot = camera_frames[k]
    gv_trans, gv_rot = ground_vehicle_frames[k]

    gv_in_camera_translation = cam_rot.T@gv_trans - cam_rot.T@cam_trans
    gv_in_camera_rotation = cam_rot.T@gv_rot
    gv_in_camera_frame.append((gv_in_camera_translation, gv_in_camera_rotation))

    world_origin_in_camera_frame.append(- cam_rot.T@cam_trans)
    world_boundary_in_camera_frame.append((cam_rot.T@np.array([4,0,0]) - cam_rot.T@cam_trans, 
                                           cam_rot.T@np.array([-4,0,0]) - cam_rot.T@cam_trans,
                                           cam_rot.T@np.array([0,4,0]) - cam_rot.T@cam_trans,
                                           cam_rot.T@np.array([0,-4,0]) - cam_rot.T@cam_trans,

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")


def update(frame):
    plot_reference_frame(gv_in_camera_frame[frame][0], gv_in_camera_frame[frame][1], ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 10)
    ax.set_ylim(-5, 5)
    ax.set_zlim(-2, 2)
    ax.set_xlabel('camera x')
    ax.set_ylabel('camera y')
    ax.set_zlabel('camera z')
    ax.scatter(*world_origin_in_camera_frame[frame], color='k', s=50)
    ax.scatter(*world_boundary_in_camera_frame[frame][0], color='k', s=50)
    ax.scatter(*world_boundary_in_camera_frame[frame][1], color='k', s=50)
    ax.scatter(*world_boundary_in_camera_frame[frame][2], color='k', s=50)
    ax.scatter(*world_boundary_in_camera_frame[frame][3], color='k', s=50)
    ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=None, zoom=0.85)
    ax.view_init(elev=0., azim=0)

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=n_frames, interval=30)"vehicle_in_camera_frame.gif", writer="pillow")
[8.15640312 2.         1.21370839]
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Let’s check out our video!

We have successfully depicted the motion of the ground vehicle relative to the camera! A more advanced rendering could come by replacing our anchors with a landscape of the world. You are encouraged to play with

  • the path of the aerial camera
  • the path of the ground vehicle

and determiine if the change in the video is what you expect.