ESE 680, Fall 2019 – Learning and ControlInstructor: Nikolai Matni, Assistant Professor, ESE Department E-mail: (please start subject line with ESE680) Lectures: Tu/Th 3-4.30pm, Moore 212 Office hours: by appointment, Levine 374 Syllabus: ESE680-004 OverviewThis advanced topics course will provide students with an introduction to current areas of research at the intersection of machine learning and control. We will investigate machine learning and data-driven algorithms that interact with the physical world. Topics of study will include learning models of dynamical systems, using these models to robustly meet performance objectives, optimally refining models to improve performance, and verifying the safety of machine learning enabled control systems. The course will be a combination of lectures and student led presentations of papers drawn from a list of both classical and modern texts. Students will be evaluated based on their paper presentation, as well as a class project. Suitable choices for projects include implementing, evaluating, and comparing tools introduced in class, extending existing theoretical results, and applying tools to a domain specific problem of their choosing. Tentative list of topics (subject to change based on student interest)
About the CoursePrerequesitesLinear Systems (ESE 500), and one of Machine Learning (CIS 520) or Modern Convex Optimization (ESE 605), or permission from the instructor. The course will assume maturity in topics like linear algebra, optimization, stochastic processes, and calculus. Class structureWe will try to adhere to the following structure: the course is roughly divided into 6 units, one for each of the topics listed above. For each unit, the instructor will teach 2-3 lectures, followed by 1-2 student led lectures consisting of a paper presentation and group discussion. One or two readings will be assigned for each lecture. Students are expected to read the papers and come to class prepared to discuss them in detail. GradingGrading will be based on course participation, paper presentation/scribing, and the course project. Paper Presentations and ScribingDepending on enrollment numbers, each student will either be assigned a paper to present or asked to scribe a lecture. Presentations should address the following questions:
Scribes will be expected to both summarize the assigned reading and the lecture itself, and should address all of the same points a presentation would. It is expected that you will put several hours into these notes, as they should go beyond just summarizing what was presented in class. ProjectProjects may be done individually or in groups of two. Students are encouraged (but not required) to propose a topic that connects class material to aspects of their research. Students are expected to produce the following deliverables:
The final report and presentation are meant to mimic a conference setting. The report is expected to be a self-contained document with introduction, literature review, problem formulation, main results (and experiments if applicable), and discussion/conlcusion sections. |